Facing new threats,
powerful solutions.

Channelize Security offers a suite of Artificial Intelligence-based solutions that elevate the protection of your corporate information ecosystem, transforming it into a secure and impenetrable space.


• Learning management tools.
• Online training.


• Mobile security.
• Advanced detection of zero-day malware & persistent attacks.
• Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR).


• Endpoint protection plataform.
• Web servers security.
• Cloud security.


• Criminal investigation.
• Attack prevention.
• Threat identification.


• DLP tool (Data Loose Prevention Tool).
• SaaS data security.


• Detection of illegal content.
• Deep and dark web monitoring.


• SaaS security.
• MDM tool.


• Learning management tools.
• Online training.


• Mobile security.
• Advanced detection of zero-day malware & persistent attacks.
• Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR).


• Endpoint protection plataform.
• Web servers security.
• Cloud security.


• Criminal investigation.
• Attack prevention.
• Threat identification.


• DLP tool (Data Loose Prevention Tool).
• SaaS data security.


• Detection of illegal content.
• Deep and dark web monitoring.


• SaaS security.
• MDM tool.

About us

Canaliza Security is a Spanish company with an international presence specialized in the provision of cybersecurity services and the implementation of cybersecurity solutions.

Artificial Intelligence is the foundation of all our services, which we market under the highest standards of innovation and quality.

Among our solutions, we highlight:

  • Device Security.
  • Deep Learning Protection.
  • Attack prevention and threat identification.
  • DLP Tools.
  • Harmful content detection.
  • SAAS environment control.

Canaliza Security is the result of a joint venture between the companies Canaliza Software dedicated to Information Technology, and Sanher focused on the design, construction and management of automated industrial installations.

Shall we talk?

We are happy to address any questions you may have.

Cybersecurity training

Cybersecurity has become one of the main concerns in today’s world:

  • Globally, 30,000 websites are hacked daily.
  • At least 64% of companies worldwide have experienced at least one cyberattack in the last year.
  • In 2021, ransomware cases grew by 92.7%.
  • Email is responsible for approximately 97% of all malware.
  • A new attack occurs on the web every 39 seconds.

The human factor is the main trigger for security breaches. 75% of organisations are not satisfied with the effectiveness of their teams’ cybersecurity training.

At Canaliza Security, in collaboration with Cybring Labs, we have tools aimed at evaluating, training and updating the cybersecurity skills of your employees.

  • Solutions designed by expert teams in this field and years of experience in overcoming these threats.
  • These are learning management tools that allow you to assess and train your teams in those critical elements through which the main attacks occur (ransomware, phishing, social engineering, man-in-the-middle attacks…).
  • Online training through short-term learning pills, which allow you to assess your employees’ skills in this area.

These solutions are aimed both at training employees in general and at assessing and updating the knowledge of the company’s cybersecurity specialists:

  • General employees: interactive online training pills that allow users to assess, train and upgrade the level of users in terms of cybersecurity.
  • Cybersecurity technicians: we have a virtualised environment, which allows us to replicate customer architectures, and subject them to virtual attacks on the basis of which the knowledge of the company’s specialist teams is evaluated and assessed.

Device security​

Mobile devices have become the primary security breach in company data.

  • Mobile security.
  • Advanced detection of zero-day malware & persistent attacks.
  • Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR).
Mobile devices have become the primary security breach in company data. Mobiles have also turned into the main work tool. However, endpoint security environments do not adequately cover the security of all the information contained in our mobiles.

Starting from a completely innovative analysis method, we are capable of detecting all types of threats, including those that are still unknown to the security community at large. We detect zero-day attacks and persistent attacks, such as those like Pegasus NSO.

Deep learning end point protection platform

The use of endpoint security tools is becoming widespread in all companies committed to their cybersecurity.

  • Endpoint Protection Platform.
  • Web Servers Security.
  • Cloud Security.
The traditional approach is based on detection, but having a preventive approach is important, stopping attacks before they occur.

We have high-performance tools that secure our systems before they are compromised. We ensure the detection of ransomware attacks with a 99% accuracy level and a false positive rate of less than 0.1%, so that our systems are never compromised.

Attack prevention and threat identification

Nothing is more effective for our security than prevention:

  • Criminal investigation.
  • Attack prevention.
  • Threat identification.
Before the security of our company is compromised, the preparation of attacks has been orchestrated from thousands of forums on the dark web. Knowing the information compromised before intrusions occur is crucial.

To this end, we provide a pre-attack investigation service, proceeding from monitoring compromised IP addresses, as well as access to cracked email addresses and passwords. We analyze the public profiles of new users to detect those that present a profile that could compromise the company.

Data loose prevention tools

The browser has become the main gateway to the information on our platforms.

  • DLP tool (Data Loose Prevention tool).
  • SaaS data security.
The use of traditional browsers does not guarantee the invulnerability of the information accessed through them. The security updates of traditional browsers are not based on security update criteria, but on business criteria. The information displayed through a browser can be extracted using methods as simple as screenshotting or direct data copying.

We provide tools that prevent information managed through the browser from being taken out of the environment, using encryption techniques and customizing the level of access at the user level.

Harmful content detection

Given the social nature of the network, it becomes increasingly necessary each day.

  • Detection of illegal content
On public platforms, there’s a risk of them being used for the distribution of illegal content in all kinds of formats.

This ranges from clearly illegal content (abuse, pedophilia, etc.) to the sale of illicit materials or the presence of hate speech. We detect the content and flag it for removal.

SaaS enviroment control

Adding an additional layer of control:

  • SaaS security.
  • MDM tool.
While the use of MDM (Mobile Device Management) tools allows us to control the installation of software on our staff’s devices, it’s crucial to ensure that the behavior of the installed applications does not compromise information.

We provide tools for controlling the installed applications, as well as the App-to-App connections they make.

Device security​

El móvil se ha convertido en la primera brecha de seguridad en los datos de las empresas.

  • Seguridad en móviles.
  • Detección avanzada de malware zero-day & persistent attacks.
  • Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR).

El móvil se ha convertido en la primera brecha de seguridad en los datos de las empresas. El móvil se ha convertido en la herramienta de trabajo principal. Sin embargo, los entornos de seguridad endpoint, no cubren adecuadamente la seguridad de toda la información que contienen nuestros móviles.

Partiendo de un método de análisis totalmente innovador, somos capaces de detectar todo tipo de amenazas, incluyendo aquellas que aún son desconocidas en conjunto de la comunidad de seguridad. Detectamos los ataques zero-day, persisten attacks, tales como los tipo Pegasus NSO.

Formación en

La ciberseguridad se ha convertido en una de las principales preocupaciones en el mundo actual:

  • A nivel global, 30,000 sitios web son hackeados diariamente.
  • Al menos el 64% de las empresas a nivel mundial han experimentado al menos un ciberataque en el último año.
  • En 2021, los casos de ransomware crecieron en un 92.7%.
  • El correo electrónico es responsable de aproximadamente el 97% de todo el malware.
  • Cada 39 segundos ocurre un nuevo ataque en la web.
El factor humano es el principal detonante de las brechas de seguridad. El 75% de las organizaciones no están satisfechas con la efectividad de la capacitación de sus equipos en ciberseguridad.

En Canaliza Security, en colaboración con Cybring Labs, disponemos de herramientas orientadas a evaluar, capacitar y actualizar las habilidades en ciberseguridad de sus empleados.

  • Soluciones diseñadas por equipos expertos en este campo y años de experiencia en superar estas amenazas.
  • Son herramientas de gestión del aprendizaje que permiten evaluar y capacitar a sus equipos en aquellos elementos críticos a través de los cuales ocurren los principales ataques (ransomware, phishing, ingeniería social, ataques man in the middle…).
  • Capacitación en línea a través de píldoras de aprendizaje de corto plazo, que permiten evaluar las capacidades de sus empleados en este ámbito.

Estas soluciones están dirigidas tanto a la capacitación de empleados en general, como a la evaluación y actualización del conocimiento de los especialistas de la empresa en ciberseguridad:

  • Empleados en general: píldoras de formación interactiva en línea que permiten a los usuarios evaluar, capacitar y mejorar el nivel de los usuarios en términos de ciberseguridad.
  • Técnicos en ciberseguridad: contamos con un entorno virtualizado, que permite replicar las arquitecturas del cliente, y someterlas a ataques virtuales a partir de los cuales se evalúa el conocimiento de los equipos especialistas de la empresa y se mejoran sus habilidades en este ámbito.